Monday, June 29, 2009

The Middle Sunday

OH MY WORD! I had the best Sunday! I have so many photos that I want to share with you, this will be sort of a photo essay on my day.

First adventure was to check out the street pianos. Yes, I said street pianos… there is an art project on here that features piano’s placed in public venues around central London. Each piano is painted appropriately for the site. Signs reading “Play me I’m yours” are on each instrument, and people gather round play and sing. It’s great! If you’d like to find out more about this check out the website:

Next stop the Photographers Gallery, then on to the National Portrait Gallery.

The sky’s are looking a bit threatening, and I’ve done a lot of walking, so I decide to treat myself to tea at the top floor restaurant, with this wonderful view over Trafalgar Square, with Big Ben in the background.

The sun has come out; I’ve finished my tea so I head to the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square. However, when I get to the square, there is a huge colorful Indian Celebration, so I opt for this rather than another gallery. Women in gorgeous turquoise, bright pink, purple, silks, dance to the rhythms of Bollywood music. The scent of incense and curry fills the air, and I’m a bit sorry that I’ve just had tea.

I leave the square and start toward St. James Park when I notice that The Mall is closed to traffic and pedestrians can walk to Buckingham Palace without fear of getting run down. The street, lined with Union Jacks is quite an impressive site, and I join the walkers for a bit.

Then on to St. James Park. I like the design of the vacant chairs, speaking of past groupings and conversations.

I wonder how many years these giant shade trees are, and what tales they could tell us.

I walk around this bucolic lake filled with water foul,

There is one more exhibit I’d like to try and catch, and I know some of the galleries on Southbank stay open late, so I cross the bridge at Embankment to see if I can catch this show called

“Walking in My Mind”. The gallery is closed but as part of the show, they’ve wrapped all the trees in red and white polka dot fabric! Too fun!

Did you think only children like too play in fountains?

Check out these adults frolicking in the fountain in front of the National Theatre.

Ok. That’s my day. I’m running out of space, so I’ll sign off for today.

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